Back again with an another blog, this one will be about my past week as it was fairly exciting. This is because I did things that I've done for the first time and things that has just made my week so much better than expected.
My First Basketball Game

So I went to my first basketball game on Saturday which I was expecting to be a bit boring as I'm not a massive fan of basketball but I think that's because I wasn't very good at the sport. However, once I asked my friend Oscar who was really into basketball and supported London Lions and had the jersey on to tell me all the rules and what everything was about, I soon understood what was happening and got quite into it. We went to see London Lions VS Cheshire Phoenix and it was a very intense game. The final score ended up being 87 - 81 to London Lions which Oscar was happy with, however, me and our other friend Harvey couldn't really care as we weren't really supporting anyone. There was one rule I didn't know about which was the 24 second rule where they have 24 seconds from when they win the ball back to get it to the other side of the court and score in the hoop. This rule made the game pretty intense and the teams were running back and forth and that's why the scores were so high. It was an experience that was quite cool to see in real life and I'm glad I went as the company was bearable, (joking), they were great which made the event even better!!
My Driving Test

So, I've been taking driving lessons since around September/October time and it has been quite an adventure. I had a great instructor who I got on really well with so it meant we could get through things quickly and easily. When having the lessons, I always preferred driving around rather than doing all the manoeuvres as I just liked being on the move and going places. I took my first theory test around early November and I failed by roughly two marks which I was quite disappointed with because I was that close to passing, I failed on the first part which was the multiple choice questions which were mainly common sense, apart from a few which you had to think about. As soon as I failed, I rebooked it for around early December and whilst I waited to retake it, I was still going on with my driving lessons. The time came to take my second theory test and I was feeling a bit more confident this time as I had done more revision on the Highway Code and a few practise tests on some apps. However, I failed again by two marks on the multiple choice question!! How frustrating!! I was quite annoyed with this as I went with my friend this time and it was his first go and he passed, so well done to him but I was still annoyed that I failed. After that, I wanted to give up and forget about it but my whole family pushed me to do it again right before Christmas. Finally I passed on my third go by the skin of my teeth as fr the first section you need 43 marks to pass and I got dead on 43 but it was still a pass!! After that I carried on with my driving lessons and then around the middle of January, I booked my test for the 4th February and decided to take it in my own car which is a little Citroen C1. The 4th February came and I was very nervous and then I went for my test which flew by and I PASSED!! I'm not sure how I did it but apparently it was a good drive and I passed with only 1 minor!!
What music am I currently listening to??

So currently, I am listening to the wonderful Nina Nesbitt's new album called "The Sun Will Come Up The Seasons will Change". I have to admit, I had never really heard of her before I went to Banquet Records on the day she was performing a set at the shop for the new release of her second album. I didn't think much of it till I got home and everyone was ranting and raving about her on instagram and twitter, so I then looked her up on my Spotify and listened to the whole album and ever since then I haven't stopped having it on repeat because it is that good! I've found the album so good that I've managed to convince a good pal of one to come and see her live in London in April. I think I really like it because it was a more upbeat album the I thought it was going to be and it is right up my street of music being very similar to artists such as Maisie Peters and Lewis Capaldi. I would fully recommend you give it a listen because I'm sure you won't be disappointed!!
Hope you learnt a bit more about me and my recent life situations! Please feel free to leave comments on my blogs and share on social media and I'll hope to write another blog soon!!
Byeeee!! :)
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