All Fun and games!!

I'll start an argument here in the first line of this blog, PlayStation is 100% better than Xbox. I often play PlayStation in my free time but it's not normally something I really talk about, but it was one of the topics I said I was going to write about. I only play a couple of games as I'm not a massive gamer and I have to be in the mood to play a certain game.

Dead By Daylight

Dead By Daylight is an 18+ game because it's very graphic and violent but it is a game that will keep you on edge for the whole time you're playing it. The idea of the game is that there are 4 survivors that have to fix 5 generators to be able to open an exit gate to leave the map, however, whilst doing this, there is a killer on the hunt for the survivors and it's his job to stop them all from escaping the map. It takes two hits for the survivor to be knocked down by the killer and then he can put them on a hook where it is down to survivors to save their teammate. Whilst wondering around the map, to help the survivors out, when the killer is getting near you, a heartbeat starts to occur as a warning signal, this is where the game keeps you on edge because you don't know if you're safe or not. I've played it for quite some time now after seeing some of my favourite YouTubers such as The Sidemen played it together and I found it so entertaining that I thought I'd give it a go myself and now I'm addicted to it. I mainly play survivor more than killer but both game modes are as good as each other.

My favourite killer is Shape (Michael Myers) which is based on the film 'Halloween' where you stalk people without them knowing and then you charge up, once fully charge, you can then hit a survivor and then they instantly go down. Other cool killers are Amanda Young 'Pig' which is based on another scary film 'Saw' or 'Hillbilly' who has a chainsaw and if you rev up the chainsaw, you can run across the map and knock people down in one hit.


Every year I fall for EA Sports classic video game of football, Fifa. although I complain about how I buy it every year, I end up playing it for half of the year so it's not that bad. There's not that much difference between every year but it's always cool to have the most updated game with the latest transfers and best graphics. On Fifa, I mainly play either Ultimate team which is where you build your own team, play matches against people, earn coins to spend of players or packs and build the best team possible. I mainly play this at the start of the year to create the best team and earn as many coins to open packs to try and get someone cool but never happens. This game mode normally lasts a few months until I get bored of playing matches and try other game modes.

Another game mode that I play which is quite cool is career mode where you can either create a player or manager and create your own life as a football player/manager. I mainly play with manager because I like doing all the transfers and trying to win the best competitions. Playing career mode as a player is fun but it takes ages to get going because you start off playing in the low leagues, so you have to work your way up which is fair but quite time consuming. The best game mode on Fifa is definitely Pro Clubs. This allows you to create a team with all your pals and play against other people to try and win division 1 when you start off in division 10. It's all good laughs with the right people and you get to customise your players to make them look as funny as possible. Me and my pals are currently battling for division 5 so we're not doing that bad for once as we normally can't make it past division 8.

That will be it for this blog, I hope you found out a bit more about me and another one of my hobbies. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!! Until next time...

Byeeee :)


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