Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
A show for all ages filled with great music and barrels of laughter. A classic bible story but with a modern twist. Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a West End hit you do not want to miss out on!
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is my favourite West End show due to it being the first ever show I saw as a kid and fell in love with the music. I first saw it back in 2007 at the Adelphi Theatre when Lee Mead won the lead role of Joseph on TV - Any Dream Will Do. Since then, I appeared in my school production of Joseph And The Technicolor Dreamcoat, I played The Baker and took part in the ensemble so I just feel like the play is meant to be my favourite.
Act I
The storyline is about a man called Jospeh who was Jacob's favourite son out of 12. As a result of this, Jacob rewarded Joseph a multicoloured coat to wear. This then made all 11 brother jealous and decided to sell Joseph as a slave on to some passing Ishmaelite's who then took him to Egypt. Joseph then became a slave for Potiphar and worked his way up the ranks of slaves and servants till he actually was running the Potiphar's house. Joseph then got accused of getting with the Potiphar's wife and got sent to jail. During his lonely spell in jail, he was joined by two former servants of the pharaoh, one was a Baker and the other was a Butler. The Butler and the Baker tell Joseph of their dreams and what their future holds. The Butler will return to his job whereas the Baker will be executed.
Act II
Joseph got released from prison due to the Pharaoh having bad dreams. Pharaoh's new butler recommended Joseph to help him out. Joseph explained what will happen to the future of Egypt through the Pharaohs dream. From this, the Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of preparation's to make sure the dream turn to reality. Pharaoh made Joesph his number 2 making him second in command. Whilst this is all happening, the brothers are back at home, struggling to find food and regret selling Joseph. They set out on a quest to go to Egypt to find Joseph as they hear Egypt has food and Joseph may be able to help them. Joseph then plays a trick on his brothers as they don't recognise him. He plants a golden cup in one of the brothers food sacks. One by one, they empty their sacks Benjamin goes up and the golden cup falls out of his bag. Joseph accuses Benjamin of stealing, all the brother team up and beg Joseph for forgiveness. This showed Jospeh they're no longer selfish and reveals himself to his brothers and asks to see his father again. Jacob comes to Egypt and the two are reunited and Joseph gets his technicolor dreamcoat once again.
All the actors and actresses were so good and adapted their roles incredibly. One person that stood out from all the characters was the Narrator, played by Sheridan Smith. She was just a ball of laughter, she adapted the role of the narrator perfectly and also took on the role of Jacob very well. She was dancing, interacting with the audience and it looked like she was having the time of her life of stage. Jac Yarrow who played Joseph, I thought did especially well considering he's only 21 and graduating from college TODAY. He showed his character throughout the whole performance and played the part perfectly. Jason Donovan played the Pharaoh and it was nice to see him return to the play as he played Joseph back in 1991 so he was very familiar with the show. He adapted the role really well and gave it 110%!!
I am so gutted that it is only at The Palladium for a couple more days because I had such a good time and want to go again. I am looking forward to the next time it comes to a theatre near me as I will be there, no doubt about that!!
That will be it for this blog, hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the actual show. If you have any questions, please don't forget to message me via: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or email me at!! Until next time...
Byeeee :)

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